
joi, 21 iulie 2011

What about Stone AGE ( Actions Guiding Ecology)?

Association of Tourism and Ecology "Călţun"- UNESCO Club from Curtea de Argeş is organizing a project called “Stone A.G.E. (Actions Guiding Ecology)” through the Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1., between the 1st and the 9th of August 2011 (9 days), gathering 26 participants from 4 countries: Poland,Slovakia, Turkey and Romania. The project will take place in Curtea de Arges and around the Arges Valley.

The theme of our exchange is preserving the historical values of Europe using recyclable materials. The main objectives of our project are: raising the awareness about the importance of preserving our history and the protection of the environment among the youths involved in the project and the people from the local community; presenting and understanding the concept of being a volunteer nowadays, conforming to the main priority of the Youth in Action Programme in 2011 (the year of volunteering); intercultural dialogue; developing tolerance among participants and last, but not least, we will perform actions in order to develop the personality of the participants.

We propose as the main activity multinational workshops in which each group, formed of 6 young people from different countries, will have to reconstruct an important building, using recyclable materials and stones. The final products, consisting in exhibits/theater plays/movies or short videos will be publicly presented to our local community.

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